Saturday, April 7, 2012

John Carter - difficult to follow

John Carter Wallpaper Lynn Collins 03

"Admittedly, the picture is occasionally difficult to follow, throwing an enormous amount of language at the viewer, spending the run time sorting out the labels and facts" ...

Grab the wallpaper here : John-Carter-Wallpaper-03.jpg

John Carter - nifty action

John Carter Wallpaper Lynn Collins 02

"“John Carter” features plenty of nifty action sequences, even if the vast majority of them are too dependent on CGI" ...

Grab the wallpaper here : John-Carter-Wallpaper-02.jpg

John Carter - twists and turns

John Carter Wallpaper Lynn Collins 01

"Hidden within the twists and turns are many smart ideas" ...

Grab the wallpaper here : John-Carter-Wallpaper-01.jpg

Mirror Mirror wallpaper - blame director

Mirror Mirror Wallpaper Julia Roberts Lily Collins 05

"When all the performances are lacking, there is no one to blame but the director" ...

Grab the wallpaper here : Mirror-Mirror-Wallpaper-Julia-Roberts-Lily-Collins-05.jpg

Mirror Mirror wallpaper - more playful

Mirror Mirror Wallpaper Julia Roberts Lily Collins 04

"The action is more playful than brutal, the love story between Snow White and the Prince is as chaste as Twilight's, and Lily Collins' Snow is a heroine all ages can root for" ...

Grab the wallpaper here : Mirror-Mirror-Wallpaper-Julia-Roberts-Lily-Collins-04.jpg

Friday, April 6, 2012

Mirror Mirror wallpaper - the connective tissue

Mirror Mirror Wallpaper Julia Roberts Lily Collins 03

"Like other films from Tarsem, including last November’s “Immortals,” “Mirror Mirror” lacks the connective tissue of story and characters" ...

Grab the wallpaper here : Mirror-Mirror-Wallpaper-Julia-Roberts-Lily-Collins-03.jpg

Mirror Mirror wallpaper - live action

Mirror Mirror Wallpaper Julia Roberts Lily Collins 02

"Mirror Mirror is essentially a live-action Snow White and the Seven Dwarves crossed with Time Bandits" ...

Grab the wallpaper here : Mirror-Mirror-Wallpaper-Julia-Roberts-Lily-Collins-02.jpg